Sunday, June 5, 2016

Buri' Lun Bawang 101

Learning new things is always a challenging thing, especially learning new language when you no longer have the inquisitiveness and tenacity of a small kid's mind. What more when the language that you would like to learn is you own mother tongue.

I'm taking up a 66-day challenge to learn Buri' Lun Bawang from the first ever written Lun Bawang literature, Lun Bawang Bible or as they called it, Bala Luk Do'.

The way it goes it, I will take the first chapter and first verse of each book in the Bible, and learn the vocab of it.

As below:-

Pudut 1:1 - Kareb  Allah  nengimun mudut     tana'   idi   amung-amung luk         bang langit,
                  (When) (God) (began)    (created) (earth)(and) (all)               (that is) (in)    (the heavens)

(Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth)
(Kejadian 1:1 - Pada mulanya, Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi)

As can be seen, it is not so easy as the grammar and syntax are not the same between Lun Bawang language and English. There was an online dictionary sometime ago however is no longer there. But what's good to know is that there is already an online Bala Luk Do' website. It's always great to know you don't have to carry a thick book here and there for reference..

And the journey hereby commences.

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